The lastest installment in the Kushta Pantheons series, Moon Goddess Mwezi is a goddess with three personalities and a dozen monthly aspects. A challenging roleplaying situation for Pathfinder Second Edition. Available now at!
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Works in Progress
I believe that the book on the Elven pantheon is ready for artwork, then publication.
My work on Celestials, Fiends and Fey is ready for more effort. I've done the Celestials in my opinion.
Will put up a new video today in the CougarShadow Press LLC channel regarding my first work, 84 Rituals of Ancient Kushta.
I am working on building a wider online audience so that I can eventually run Kickstarters for the few hundreds of dollars needed for quality artwork.
Saturday, April 06, 2024
Friday, April 05, 2024
Don't Go Out of the Light
I've had one brief encounter with the gritty dark, a cleric who insisted that his god didn't bar torture, and proceeding to describe how graphically he'd torture a captured prisoner.
I gave him a one on one saying our table wouldn't allow it, and our host storeowner didn't want it there either. Fortunately he dropped it.
I think keeping to the straight and narrow is part and parcel of having a modern hobby audience. You never know what people have gone through, and its a serious turnoff to enough people to be fatal to the attempt to recruit and keep gamers at your table.